The highest quality since 90 years- Unisto security seals
Unisto security seals provide indicative access control for all kind of goods in transit. Sealed containers, bags, duty-free trolleys, tote boxes, roll cages, fire extinguishers, exit doors, gas meters, water meters and electricity meters are protected from manipulation. Our wide range of pull-tight security seals, fix length seals, padlock seals, ISO 17712:2013 certified bolt seals, electronic seals, meter seals and tamper evident labels provide tamper evident control according to specific customer needs. Creativity and innovation constantly result in new security seal solutions, applying appropriate materials and procedures for market leaders in the Airline, Catering, Post and Courier Services, Banks/Cash in Transit, Chemical, Utilities, Transport and Retail industries. Originality, security, value communication with our customers have been the cornerstones of Unisto’s achievements for nine decades.
Unisto is "Certified CO2 OPTIMISED" by Swiss Climate
We have been awarded with another important certificate! Swiss Climate has rewarded us with the quality mark "Certified CO2 OPTIMISED" for our CO2 management system.