
Unisto Hi-Genius has been approved by the FCA (Federal Customs Administration) as a licensed security seal for cargo containers!

Cargo containers have to be closed with a licensed security seal before goods are transported via cargo container from Switzerland to another country. The security seals are evaluated by the FCA (<link https: ezv en home.html _top external-link-new-window>Federal Customs Administration) according to particular security requirements.

The "authorised consignors" (ACor) must close their containers with a recognised security seal.

We are pleased announce that Unisto has been licensed as an official supplier with our <link https: security-seals product show hi-genius.html _top external-link-new-window>Unisto Hi-Genius security seal by the Swiss customs authorities!

<link https: ezv de home dokumentation richtlinien r-14_transit.html _top external-link-new-window>FCA requirements for security seals used by the "authorised consignors"

The Unisto Hi-Genius is our "H" bolt seal, certified according to the international <link internal-link>ISO 17712:2013 standard. One of the customs requirements is that the seal must be a <link https: security-seals service news news-detail show iso-standards-and-the-high-security-seals.html _top external-link-new-window>high security seal, certified according to ISO 17712:2013 "Cargo containers - mechanical seals".

In addition, the embossing on the security seal must correspond to the following syntax and include the following information:

  • The abbreviation "ACor" appears in the respective national language of the company domicile
    ZV (symbol of the swiss cross) CH (German)
    EA (symbol of the swiss cross) CH (French)
    SA (symbol of the swiss cross) CH (Italian)
  • Information on the authorised party (i.e. ACor approval number and/or abbreviation of the company name). The security seal supplier guarantees the uniqueness of the seal

  • Consecutive six-digit numbering

Unisto Hi-Genius can be used for all kinds of containers (e.g. cargo containers, shipping containers, trucks, trailers,...). With a high tensile strength of at least 2000 kg, Hi-Genius prevents casual theft and manipulation. A bolt cutter is needed to remove it. You can find more information on the <link https: security-seals product show hi-genius.html _top external-link-new-window>product page.
