
Once again we received the silver medal for our corporate social responsibility commitment!

As an internationally active manufacturer of security seals, Unisto is aware of its responsibility towards its customers, employees and the environment.   

To provide even more transparency in terms of sustainability, fair business conditions and human rights, we have had ourselves audited and certified by Ecovadis. Ecovadis is an internationally recognised and independent platform that audits companies on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 

The audit is carried out according to certain criteria from the following subject areas:

  • Environmental compatibility
  • Labour and human rights
  • Ethics
  • Sustainable procurement

We are pleased to inform you that our performance in the field of CSR was awarded even this year with the silver medal! 

This medal clearly reflects our <link internal-link>Unisto Green Footprint philosophy and is a symbol of our commitment to the environment and the efficient use of resources.

<link file:1916 calltoaction-link-download>Unisto Certificate 2021
