Security Seals

Unisto Security Seal e-guard application

Unisto e-guard

The reusable, electronic security seal for trucks, trailers and vans. Unisto e-Guard: combats internal and external fraud and theft in the entire supply chain.


Features & Technical Data

  • Unisto e-Guard is an electronic seal with an advanced LED display
  • Automatic control over unauthorized opening of cargo
  • On closing, the seal automatically generates a unique number that can be entered in the freight documents. If the Unisto e-Guard ’s display shows the same number on arrival, it is certain the cargo doors, trailer or container have not been opened during transit. A new unique number is generated each time the transport has to stop for additional loading or unloading.
  • Solid construction, designed specifically for use in extreme weather circumstances. It comes with a special designed metal cradle and is completely protected from water, dust, salt, dirt and oil and withstands severe temperature fluctuations.
  • After that time, the battery can be replaced by the user himself, making the Unisto e-Guard a very cost effective solution to combat loss of goods in your supply chain!
Unisto e-guard features
Operating Temperature -30 to +70 degrees Celcius
Material Pet G
Pull strength 50 kg
Standard Cable length 50 cm (other lengths on request)
Cabel width 3 mm
Weight 265 g (incl. battery)
Weight Industrial bracket 430 g
Battery Lithium Xtra, 3,6Volt
Operating temperature battery -55 to +85 degrees Celcius


The safe and environmentally sustainable disposal of reusable, electronic Unisto e-Guard security seals

The responsible disposal of these products serves to protect public health and the environment.

Please do not dispose of end-of-life lithium powered Unisto e-Guard together with your regular household or business waste. Please take them to appropriate WEEE compliant electrical recycling centres or to designated battery and small electricals drop-off sites in your community.


We are specialized in innovative and digital security solutions. Do not hesitate to contact us with your enquiry. Our experts are looking forward to hearing from you.

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