Cash in transit sector: new regulation comes into force in Czech Republic in January 2019

CNB regulation about the sealing of cash and value deliveries

The CNB (<link https: en _top external-link-new-window>Czech National Bank) emitted a new regulation regarding the sealing of cash and values deliveries which must be followed by all the Czech companies working in the cash in transit sector transferring values and money from one place to another.

Starting from January 2019 all the deliveries of banknotes, coins, credit cards and valuable items must be sealed with a security seal with a specific barcode, the Modulo 97 barcode. The Modulo 97 is a barcode with numbers, letters and a check digit.

Our Unisto Compact LT is the perfect solution for this purpose as it has a long tag special designed for long barcodes as the Modulo 97. The long tag enables very fast recording of seal numbers and optimizes logistic processes, since letters and numbers can be also printed with a bigger size.

Unisto Compact LT is a highly tamper-evident security seal with a compact size, long tag for long barcodes and, if required, customer logo. Moreover thanks to the thin ribbon it fits to eyelets greater than 2.0 mm.

<link calltoaction-btn-contactphone>Our local expert is looking forward to hearing from you and providing you with more information about solutions.
