Unisto Unilock eco

Very popular Fixlength Security Seal comes in an all-new sustainable design. Mainly used for sealing Truck doors, Trailers, Railway Wagons und Containers. Retailers and Forwarders have been using this seal for many years. Ingenious locking mechanism with a clearly visible breaking point outside of the housing. Consecutive numbered or barcoded. Variety of colours for logistical control.

Características de este precinto de seguridad

Type of Seal

Fixlength Seals

  • All new sustainable design

  • Customer name/logo for clear identification

  • Various colours for logistical functions
  • Mats of 10 seals allows a sequential distribution

Minimum size

Polypropylene (PP)
Tensile strength (loop)
Approx. 13 kg
8 digits
Customer name/logo
Digital printing or laser marking
Colours Digital Printing
Dark blue, dark green, red, grey, yellow, white, black Other colours available on request
Colours Laser Marking
White, yellow, apricot, grey, pink, purple, light brown
Mats of 10 seals, 1’000 seals per box  40,0 x 17,0 x 18,0 cm (0.012 m3 ), approx. 2.45 kg
Seals should be stored in original box away from direct sunlight and chemical fumes. Store at 22°C/50% RH. Typical shelf life of seals made of PP and PA are approx. 18 months from date of manufacture. Nevertheless please do not order more than an annual quantity.
Unisto Unilock - Security Seal
Very popular Fixlength Security Seal used for sealing Truck doors, Trailers, Railway Wagons und Containers.