Características de este precinto de seguridad
- Type of Seal
Special Seals
- Application
- Pre-assembling speeds up the sealing process
- When closing the bag, just push lock the closure with the preassembled seal. It only takes 1 second
- Opening the closure is also very fast. Just pull-off the cover of the closure. The seal will break and is unusable but will stay in one piece
- Bar-coding ensures fast and accurate data capture
- The laser used for marking provides a good contrast for reading, requires no additives and is therefore environmentally friendly
Technical Data Neutral Version
- Material
Polystyrene cristal (PS)
- Colours
Red, white
Other colours on request.
- Packing
Loose in boxes of 1000 seals, or bags of 100 seals, packed in boxes of 10 000 seals
58.4 x 38.4 x 29.5 cm (0.075m3) approx. 12 Kg
Technical Data Version with barcode
- Material
Polystyrene cristal (PS)
- Barcode & standard numbering
Directly laser marked
2/5 interleaved: 9 digits + check digit
Barcode 128C: 6 digits
Other on request.
- Customer name/logo
Directly laser marked
- Colour
White. Other colours on request.
- Packing
Bags of 100 seals, packed in boxes of 10 000 seals
58.4 x 38.4 x 29.5 cm (0.075m3) approx. 12 Kg
Special Security Sealing concept for Banks/Cash in Transit and Post business. Also used in Mail Rooms.