Unisto Espina

A pull-tight variable length security seal with unconventional fish-bone ribbon design to maximize tamper evidence and unparelled security feature with its unique 4-prong metal jaw which cuts through ribbon upon pull-back attempt. Revolutionary locking jaw ensure no reverse sealing secured by heat welding. Calibration in centimeter on the ribbon strap makes cutting and welding on the ribbon visible.

Características de este precinto de seguridad

Type of seal
Adjustable Length Seals
Roll cages, bag and boxes
Body: Polypropylene
Tensile strength (loop)
Approx. 40 kg
up to max. 7 digits
barcode 128, interleaved 2/5, others on request
laser marked
Plastic colour (foil)
Red, Blue, Yellow, White & Green 
Plastic colour (laser)
Pink, Light Blue, Light Yellow, Light Green & White 
Mats of 10pcs, box of 1000 seals, carton of 5000 seals 
Seals should be stored in original box away from direct sunlight and chemical fumes. Store at 22°C/50% RH. Typical shelf life of seals made of PP and PA are approx. 18 months from date of manufacture. Nevertheless please do not order more than an annual quantity.
Packing Size


250 mm

335 x 270 x 245

350 mm

450 x 285 x 275

350 mm

435 x 275 x 270

Malaysia only


250 mm

1390 x 350 x 275

Como cerrarlo

Como Abrirlo